Your AI SaaS Isn’t Special (Yet)

5 min readAug 14, 2024

6 Real Lessons from a Struggling Startup

Meet Jake.

Smart guy, killer coder, and now… a frustrated SaaS founder.

Jake had a dream: to build the next big form builder. “Screw Typeform,” he thought, “I’ll make something better!”

Six months of Red Bull-fueled coding sessions later, Builder was born.

Jake’s baby was beautiful (in his eyes, at least).

AI-powered, natural language processing, the works.

He was ready to take over the world.

Launch day came.

Jake hit ‘publish’ on Product Hunt, sat back, and waited for the flood of users. And waited.

And waited some more.


“What the hell?” Jake muttered, refreshing his analytics for the 100th time.

A few visitors, sure, but zero sign-ups.



Panic set in.

Jake’s mind raced: “Is my product crap? Did I waste six months of my life? Should I just give up and go back to my soul-crushing corporate job?”

In desperation, Jake reached out to an internet forum, where his post caught my eye.




Love Marketing and Product Building. Created 20+ Info Products. Helped a SaaS grow from $19K MRR to $100K MRR. Sharing SaaS deep dives here.